The Return of The Getaway

Every summer is filled with lots of getaways, mini vacations and time off. But, what happens when the leaves change and it gets cold? Aside from maybe going away from the holidays, many of us forget to take that time we gave to ourselves during the summer months. Why? Well, I didn't have an answer and decided to make a change. All of those fun memories and feeling of ease and relaxation that came with those summer moments disappeared as I spent more weekends at home simply running errands. I found myself becoming more stressed out and tired because I was never really getting that important time off.

So, Ross and I made a promise to try and get away for one weekend a month. While it would be lovely to jet off to St. Barths or LA for a long weekend, my schedule and budget don't allow for that. We've made it our mission to find cheap, fun, unique and relaxing mini fall vacations. This started with a trip to Pennsylvania in September where we stayed with family, but enjoyed hikes and sleeping in and quiet. October was our trip to Austin. On to November! This past weekend we had the amazing opportunity to stay in East Hampton for the weekend. Our hotel was just what we needed. It was cozy, comfortable and the best part was that it was only a little over a mile to the beach. This 3 mile round trip trek made for the perfect afternoon run and was a great departure from dodging people and cyclists on the West Side Highway.

Each of these "vacations" were simple, easy and inexpensive. More importantly, they were times to disconnect with every day life and focus on some inner (and outer) quiet. It is ok to be a little selfish and take this important time away. I can almost guarantee these little bouts of rejuvenation will make you a better worker, friend, partner and average Joe walking on the street.

Get out there!

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