30 Health Lessons I Learned Before Turning 30
If you've been reading my newsletter (SIGN UP FOR THAT HERE) or following my writing, you'll know that I believe living a healthy life is based on both mind and body. What we think effects us physically, and what we do physically can effect us mentally.
So, with that mindset and as I enjoy my last day in my 20s, I decided it would be best to take a look back at my wellness journey and pick out the top things that made a difference in my life.
Here are the 30 Health Lessons I Learned Before Turning 30:
- Eat greens every day.
- Diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do.
- Happiness is a choice.
- You can't change someone, you can only change how you react to them.
- Walk 10,000 steps a day.
- Guilt is not a real emotion.
- Forgiveness is empowering, not a sign of weakness.
- Feng Shui works.
- Sit in silence once in a while.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- Not every day is a good day, but there is good in every day.
- Your future starts with your next thought.
- Do everything with intention.
- 70% of your immune system is in your gut, so take care of it.
- Spaghetti squash is an excellent substitute for pasta.
- Indulge from time to time.
- Travel.
- Cry. Sometimes it's the only way to release that energy and refocus.
- Write a letter to those who hurt you. Even if you never give it to them at least it's no longer effecting your soul.
- Go to bed early. Trust me your memories at 6am are much more magical than at 3am.
- Give back.
- Stop creating a story for yourself.
- Carbs aren't the devil.
- Pain is a sign something needs to change.
- Miracles happen every day.
- Drink more water and less alcohol.
- Dreams and goals will change. Be flexible with yourself.
- Focus on making memories, not money.
- Not all calories are created equal.
- Don't judge yourself or others. Everyone's journey is different.