Small Change = Big Gain
If you've been reading my blog or following my newsletters, you'll know that one of my biggest philosophies is to start making small changes in your life that eventually will lead to big ones. This is the basis for my with with individual clients when we determine how to achieve whatever goal it is they seek to accomplish. And it works.
Sometimes, we just need a little reminder about the basics. So, here you go.
If you're trying to lose weight, for example, you will never succeed if you say you're going to cut out all carbs and sugar and go to the gym 5 days a week. It's too lofty of a goal. Instead, if you just commit to walking 10,000 steps a day and adding greens into at least one meal, you'll start to create the building blocks of a healthier, more active lifestyle that will ultimately lead to weight loss.
A few of years ago if you had asked me if I was a morning person I would have said "Hell no!" After my father died and I was looking for ways to start my morning off on the right foot, I would go for walks with my husband and I fell in love with how quiet the city was before 8am. Those mornings turned into workouts or sometimes they remained walks. I slowly became a morning person and am much more fulfilled that way. I feel like I'm getting the most out of every day even if I'm in bed by 10pm.
Whenever I get the chance to share this tiny piece of wisdom, I jump on it. So, when Elysium Health included my two cents on the topic in an infographic, I was thrilled! Elysium takes more of a scientific approach to healthy habits, as shown by the graphic's focus on cellular metabolism as well as the company's own research into NAD+. Check out what they unveiled about the major impact small changes can have on your life.